Everything Indutrade said has proved to be true. We still do business as we did before and continue to be a profitable and growing company.

Family culture
Robert explains, “We provide the internal pipelines that supply the likes of oxygen from the source in a tank outside the hospital to the patient's mask, ‘From Plant Room to Patient‘ is our motto. We manufacture the complete range of medical gas pipeline equipment, which involves gas transfer, monitoring, pressure regulation, cleaning and filtering the gas and continue to extend our range.”
Recyclable products
“The manufacturing takes place in our factory outside Manchester, close to the airport, which is good for international business”, says Robert. “A normal year, close to 90 percent of our sales is export. We’ve been at this location for seven years now, but we are looking to extend or move since we have reached capacity. Our products are fully recyclable and have a life time of 25 years and to even further increase our contribution to a sustainable society we have invested in new machines and changed cleaning methods to avoid toxic chemicals.”
Strong demand
2020 has been an exceptional year in many ways. “For our part it has meant a high demand for our products since effective oxygen supply is an essential part in the treatment of covid-19”, says Robert. “On behalf of the British health authorities, we provided the systems to deliver oxygen to over 15,000 intensive care beds in the UK, and the demand from our export markets has also been extensive. Apart from the commercial effects of the high demand, every employee understands the importance of the products we supply at the moment, and they have risen to the occasion and performed exceptionally well and their efforts have really helped people.”
Family culture
“We have a strong family culture at Precision Parts”, says Robert. “This has been important for me from the beginning and throughout our growth. Hence it was also important when discussing a sale to Indutrade.”
We have a strong family culture at Precision Parts”, says Robert. “This has been important for me from the beginning and throughout our growth. Hence it was also important when discussing a sale to Indutrade.
“I first came in contact with Indutrade four years ago”, says Robert. “I was at an exhibition in Dubai, talking to a company I’ve known for some time. They told me they had sold their company to Indutrade and asked if I had ever thought of selling. Over the years I’ve been approached by agents and had offers, but was never really interested. Anyway, they told me the Indutrade story and asked if they could pass on my contact information. Two weeks later I got a call from Indutrade.”
The same view on people
“Indutrade became attractive to me as we have the same view on people and promote a family atmosphere. They explained their hands-off approach – you will run your business tomorrow as you do today, and if you need support, you just say so. To be convinced that it was true, they suggested I talked to some other MD’s in the group, and I did. They all confirmed the Indutrade way of doing business. As a result, in May 2018, Precision Parts became a part of the Indutrade Group.”
“Everything Indutrade said has proved to be true. We still do business as we did before and continue to be a profitable and growing company. The only changes have been for the better. For instance, our internal processes for reporting and follow-up have been sharpened, which facilitates and ensures efficient decision-making. I also have a more professional Board which gives me access to broad knowledge and competence that enhance our possibilities to grow and improve even more in the future.”
Exciting personal challenges
“For me personally, becoming part of Indutrade has made me part of something bigger and provides new and exciting challenges”, says Robert. “Precision Parts is one of plus 30 companies in Indutrade’s Business Area Flow Technology, which gathers companies with similar businesses and interests. A normal year, we all meet a couple of times and get to know each other personally. As an entrepreneur you are often alone with big decisions and problems, so coming into a context with industry colleagues who are more than willing to share experience and knowledge, is something I really appreciate.”
“In the long term I’m excited to contribute to building a medical cluster within Indutrade. I have already started this journey – in September 2020, we made our first acquisition and I’m now on that company’s Board. As I’m also a Business Unit Leader within Indutrade, I look forward to making even more acquisitions of successful companies run by true entrepreneurs and thereby developing both myself and Indutrade”, says Robert.